The PonderLand
Gardens & Native
Plant Sanctuary
Welcome to the PonderLand Native Plant Sanctuary in the foothills of North Carolina.
As members of the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary Network, we're dedicated to preserving this enchanting land. Our diverse sanctuary includes a forest, a pasture, and a beautiful floodplain with a creek-fed pond.
Explore the forest filled with pine groves, trillium, and grapevines. Discover the magical "Cohosh Cove" with yellow buckeye, black cohosh, and vibrant wildflowers. Visit "Goldenseal Island" with partridgeberry, houndstongue, and tulip poplar trees. Our conservation efforts include rewilding the pond's edge, removing invasive species, and introducing native plant stands.
We've also installed native shrubs and created a pollinator garden. We're proud to protect 20 United Plant Savers at-risk medicinal plant species and have inventoried over 100 native plants. With your support, we'll continue safeguarding these treasures for future generations.
At our herb spiral garden, we take great care in tending to the fragrant herbs, ensuring they reach their peak quality. From these herbs, we create a diverse range of herbal crafts, including holy basil elixir, calendula cream, St. John's wort oil, skullcap tincture, and hibiscus infusions. Here, an elderberry hedge and stands of echinacea see us through the winter.
We also welcome herbalist apprentices who are interested in learning about the healing relationships with plants. They have the opportunity to gain knowledge on preparing remedies and caring for both herbs and people. Our goal is to pass on the wisdom of herbalism and nurture a deeper understanding of the natural world and its healing properties.

Step into our family vegetable garden, where nature's abundance unfolds before your eyes. Among our cherished crops, you'll find a variety of okra, vibrant cucumbers, butternut squash, and sweet cantaloupes. As you wander through the garden, the gentle sway of green beans, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, and arugula beckons you to savor their crisp leaves. The fragrance of dill and tomatillo adds a unique and tantalizing flavor to our culinary creations. Terry's ridge line garden astonishes with its collection of 17 different tomato varieties. Heirloom Mexican squash and the majestic presence of sunflowers add a touch of autumnal charm to the landscape. In our front garden, our beloved strawberry beds flourish, surrounded by vibrant flowers, poppies, hibiscus, and Aztec marigolds that bring joy to our hearts. As you explore further, a spiral herb garden reveals a hidden treasure trove of fragrant herbs waiting to enhance your culinary adventures.

Terry Martin: Tending Gardens & Spreading Joy
Born and raised in the beautiful state of South Carolina, Terry is a nature enthusiast and caretaker of the PonderLand gardens and native plant sanctuary. With a deep-rooted passion for gardening, Terry finds solace and delight in frolicking through his sunflower patch and nurturing an array of plant life. But it doesn't stop there; Terry's heart truly sings when he embarks on the quest for four-leaf clovers. His keen eye and unwavering determination lead him to discover these lucky charms daily.
One of Terry's specialties lies in cultivating various varieties of okra and heirloom tomatoes, showcasing his expertise and dedication to growing organic produce. He takes pleasure in planting cucumbers – a favorite food of his son Talan.
In addition to his gardening pursuits, Terry is the proud caretaker of PonderLand's homestead pets. Duke and Poppy, two beloved dogs, bring joy and companionship, while Chip the feline friend adds a touch of elegance to the sanctuary. Not to be forgotten, chickens play a vital role in the gardens, and the adorable Brownie the bunny adds an extra sprinkle of delight.
Together with his wife Mimi, Terry shares a vision of sustainability, growth, and abundance within PonderLand. They work hand in hand to cultivate a sanctuary that not only flourishes but also spreads joy to all who visit. it